Yanina emigrated the Soviet Union at 12 Years old, in 1979. Arriving to the states without a dollar in their pockets, the Fleysher family began their journey to achieve the American Dream. Fast forward a few years, and on  a warm summer night, in 1987, Yanina was just a young girl going to the movies with her friends. As they pulled into the parking lot, already late for the movie, she saw out of the corner of her eye, a sign reading “Booths Available” in the local Jewelry Exchange. Having already worked in a flea market selling jewelry, her interest was peaked, and the movie was long forgotten. She quickly ran across the street as the exchange was closing, and was able to stop the manager before he could lock the doors. Insistent on getting her own booth, she pleaded with the manager to see what available. Well, there was only one booth left-- and it happened to be the second largest in the entire exchange. The manager scoffed, and said “young girl… you will never make it here, this is a real business, a real establishment, and has no place for a woman like you”. With a fire in her eyes, and refusing to take no for an answer, she accomplished her goal, learning how much it would take to have that booth.

Without skipping a beat, and forgetting why she was in Wayne, NJ in the first place, she left her friends at the movies and drove right home to wake her parents and tell them her plan. She wanted to be the premiere jeweler of New Jersey, and this had to be her starting point. With a lot of trust, and all of her parents hard earned money, she arrived the next morning ready to start her Jewelry Journey. After 6 hardworking years, she was ready to move on from the Exchange, and in 1993 she found a small building just up the road, subdivided into two stores. She knew she was home, and decided to take the plunge. Eventually taking over the entire store, and growing her brand to be the most recognized in New Jersey, Yanina finally accomplished her dream.